Popa Chubby is 30 years old. Probably a few years less than the registered date of birth of his alter ego Ted Horowitz. But we are here to celebrate Popa Chubby’s 30 years presence on stage, not to count white hairs on his head. To celebrate his birthday he is offering his new album “It’s a Mighty Hard Road” which starts with the song “The Flavor is in the Fat” as a starter because in music as well as in cooking, the fat is what holds everything together, makes the flame crackle, melts in the mouth, softens the dryness. A good start for this record. But anyway Popa planned this album as a festive feast so nobody would be left yearning for more. Neither the guitar enthusiasts nor the fans of melodies. And besides the Blues guitar New York style to which he has accustomed us (electric, eclectic, generous, energetic and turbulent) the musician sometimes lowers the volume of his faithful guitar to deliver a few soulful ballads and mid tempo songs as good as a trip in the South. |